Your path to paradise

A social development project targeting orphaned children residing in the camps of northern Syria, deprived of most basic life rights. This project aims to provide financial support covering comprehensive care costs for orphans, including housing, education, heating, and healthcare. The initiative seeks to compensate for the loss experienced by these children due to the absence of one or both parents, thereby supporting their growth, developing their skills, and ensuring they receive the necessary attention. This will help them excel in school, succeed in their communities, and overcome the challenges of orphanhood. By supporting this project, you can help these children build a bridge to a better future and, by the grace of Allah, a path to paradise, as inspired by the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): "The one who cares for an orphan and I will be together in Paradise like this," holding his two fingers together.

Your path to paradise

Your support can help sponsor an orphan, alleviating their suffering and improving their lives by providing housing, education, heating, and healthcare.

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